How to Send WhatsApp bulk Broadcast without getting Blocked ?

Ahmed Karim
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Unlock the potential of WhatsApp Broadcasts for your small business! Discover how to engage customers, avoid bans & use the API.

Table of Content: -
  1. What is WhatsApp Broadcast
  2. How does WhatsApp Business send broadcast messages? (For small companies)
  3. What is the larger and better solution?
  4. Tips to Avoid Bans When Sending Many WhatsApp Messages
  5. Conclusion

What is a WhatsApp Broadcast?

A list of individuals who regularly receive messages from your company on WhatsApp is what WhatsApp Broadcast essentially is. You can broadcast messages to an unlimited number of users at once with a WhatsApp Broadcast using the WhatsApp Business API, including those who haven't added you to their contacts list.
Only people who have chosen to receive WhatsApp notifications from your company can receive these messages. WhatsApp Broadcasts and Group messages are often mixed up, and Users get messages in private chat and cannot see the names or phone numbers of other recipients when using WhatsApp Broadcasts, though.  
Including the newest products, product-related data, delivery updates, newsletter signups, and more the following is an example WhatsApp Broadcast Message:

How does WhatsApp Business send broadcast messages? (For small companies)

WhatsApp Business is the best option if you own a self-sufficient small business and want to broadcast it to your clients. WhatsApp Business offers an in-built broadcasting feature that is free to use and simple to set up. If you don't already have one, you can quickly create one using this short tutorial.
WhatsApp Broadcasting is simple with the WhatsApp Business App. The WhatsApp Broadcast limit for the Business App is 256 distinct users simultaneously. Even though the numbers are small, you can still make it work by creating many broadcast lists. By creating a broadcast list for WhatsApp Business with up to 256 contacts and deliver messages to them by following the instructions below:
In the WhatsApp Business App, select "New Broadcast" by clicking the three white dots on the right side of the screen. By selecting the green tick button, you may create the broadcast list. Choose the people you wish to include in your WhatsApp Broadcast list. You can choose 256 contacts on the Business App for one broadcast list.
Observing is simple. Look for double-blue ticks in front of the chats you sent the Broadcast.
To contacts who have added you to their contact list, you can now send and monitor WhatsApp Broadcast messages.
However, there are restrictions while using WhatsApp Business App to send WhatsApp Broadcast.
There is a 256-contact maximum for WhatsApp broadcasts.
only available on two devices (a smartphone and a computer)
No intelligent grouping and analysis of sent messages
Quick answers, chat automation, and WhatsApp chatbot integration are not features.
The Broadcast won't reach anyone who hasn't added you to their contact list.

What is the more prominent, better solution, then?

WHATSAPP BUSINESS API is the solution. WhatsApp Business API, introduced simultaneously as WhatsApp Business, enables medium- to large-sized businesses to tailor their customer communications. It also helps you engage with many customers simultaneously, automate abandoned cart notifications and payment links, send broadcasts to 100,000 unique users, and offer live chat help and 24x7 customer care.
WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to send broadcast messages in WhatsApp, including notifications, announcements, promotion messages and more, all in one single platform.

Here are some advantages of using BotSpace, which uses the WhatsApp Business API, for WhatsApp broadcasting:

  1. The WhatsApp will be sent to people who still need to add you to their contacts.
  2. For opted-in users, send a WhatsApp broadcast to an unlimited number of people.
  3. In-depth analytics for your WhatsApp broadcasts, track them.
  4. Retargeting campaigns on WhatsApp for a specific audience.
  5. Watch the number of clicks on your WhatsApp broadcasts.
  6. On one phone number, offer live chat help across many devices.
  7. Number Installing a WhatsApp chatbot will automate routine client requests.
  8. Additionally, it's superior to WhatsApp Broadcast on the WhatsApp Business app because it enables you to send bulk messages to an unlimited number of unique users (to users who have opted-in).
  9. You can message individuals who still need to save your contact.
  10. Also, Obtain authentic WhatsApp Green Tick Verification.

Tips to Avoid Bans When Sending Many WhatsApp Messages

Use WhatsApp API or the official WhatsApp Business App:- Under WhatsApp's terms of service, WhatsApp Business and the WhatsApp Business API were created exclusively for enterprises to interact with customers. Both WhatsApp versions include tools that can be used to send bulk WhatsApp messages without getting you blocked.
Before sending users messages, get their permission: - Before sending users bulk messages, ensure you have their permission, as WhatsApp's terms require this of service.
Follow WhatsApp's guidelines for sending mass messages and respect user privacy: - Keep users' personal information private and only use it for the intended conversation. WhatsApp has specific rules for sending bulk messages, including restrictions on the quantity and nature of the letters you can mail daily.
You prevent being banned; be sure you abide by these rules.
Utilize opt-in techniques and keep an eye on your message response rates: - You can utilize opt-in techniques, such as signing up for a newsletter or completing a form to receive updates, to verify that users wish to receive messages from your company.
You will know users are not interested in receiving your communications if you discover a low response rate for your messages. To avoid becoming banned in this situation, it is a good idea to stop sending bulk messages to these users.


The most straightforward yet efficient WhatsApp marketing strategy is WhatsApp broadcasting. It not only ensures an increase in sales and the expansion of your company, but it has also benefited the customers!
Whether with WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp API, you can send announcements, notifications and enticing offers that customers can't reject using the broadcast feature.
Last but not least, BotSpace enables you to send bulk messages to tens of thousands of users worldwide.

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